Diary of an Insurance Addict

Strange but true....I fell into the insurance business in 1978. I have been in love with the business ever since!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Working Off the Clock?

A recent article in USA Today states:  "More American Workers Sue Employers For Overtime Pay".  Not surprising.  We all have friends that carry employer-provided mobile devices.  When they are interrupted with text messages or emails on the weekend, are they being compensated?

We've all heard stories of businesses laying off workers in an attempt to save money and then expecting the remaining employees to pick up the slack.  Are they being paid the overtime that they are entitled to?

Unfortunately, these are sources of today's new Employment Practices claims that focus on Wage and Labor issues.  Last year alone 7,006 Wage-And-Hour Suits were filed against employers.  As an employer, you may consider these suits frivolous, but you will still have to defend.  The average cost to defend yourself in one of these allegations is well over $40,000.

Does your insurance program protect you in an event like this?  Unless you have an Employment Practices Liability policy (EPL), with the specific additional coverage for Wage and Labor issues, the answer is highly unlikely.

The good news is that many insurance companies offer EPL coverage for premiums as low as $500 a year.  In conjunction with many of these policies, you may have access to a toll-free hot line to put you in contact with a nationally recognized law firm with immediate answers to most EPL questions.

Don't wait until you are served with legal papers, contact your Trusted Advisor today.

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