Diary of an Insurance Addict

Strange but true....I fell into the insurance business in 1978. I have been in love with the business ever since!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Brangelina May Need Wedding Insurance

Not since Mike Brady proposed to Carol Brady, have the impending nuptials of two adults with six children, caused such a flurry of interest.  Brangelina confirmed their official engagement last week. Marriage is in the air!

Imagine the cost of Brad and Angelina's wedding!  I am sure it will be well above the average.  In 2011, the amount that couples spent on weddings in the US decreased from $26,542 to $25,631, according to The Wedding Report, a company that tracks all things wedding-related. If something unexpected happens before the event is over, couples - and their parents - could be out thousands of dollars.  That's where wedding insurance comes in.

The most common vendor and venue-related problems include the facility or vendor going out of business, flowers and/or photos not being delivered and DJs not showing up.  There is always the possibility of a natural disaster, as many couples experienced with Hurricane Irene.  Other actual mishaps include a wedding guest who suffered food poising from reception food ($8,500) and the bridal gown being stolen ($750 to rent a last minute gown).

Talk to your Trusted Advisor about wedding insurance.  For about the cost of one guest, wedding insurance can protect your investment.  It's peace of mind so you can enjoy your special day, no matter what happens.

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