Diary of an Insurance Addict

Strange but true....I fell into the insurance business in 1978. I have been in love with the business ever since!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

No Need to Fear, Underdog is Here!

Did you know that are approximately 70 million pet dogs in the US?  How many four-legged family members does your family have?  Remember when the "responsibility" discussion ensued about getting a dog?  What did you, as the responsible adult, make your child do to prove that he or she was "ready" for pet ownership?
  • Walk the neighbor's dog for a month
  • Write an essay explaining how responsible he or she is
  • Obtain One Million "Likes" on Facebook (seriously - and these enterprising kids did it!)
Sooner than later, your newest family member, in the form of a lovable pooch, arrived. Within a few weeks, the parental unit was walking the dog while Junior was working his thumbs on a mobile device.  So much for teaching Junior responsibility, but what about your responsibility as a pet owner?

It may be a surprise to you that dog bites accounted for more than 1/3 of all homeowner claims in 2011, with the average claim totaling close to $30,000!

Yes, if Fido "accidentally" nips the neighbor's toddler and injury results, you could very well be sued for medical bills, pain and suffering and the like.  If Rover gets loose and bites someone else's dog, you could find yourself paying for vet bills.  "There's no need to fear.  Underdog is here!"  That is assuming you have a home / renters / condo policy.  The "underdog" of coverages on your policy that I am referring to is "Coverage E - Personal Liability".

Personal liability will defend you, even if the suit is groundless, false or fraudulent.  This inexpensive coverage can be increased up to a $500,000 limit for an additional premium of usually less than $30 per year.

This coverage is not limited to dog bites.  If you or family members are sued for many types of bodily injury or property damage claims, underdog "Coverage E", can rescue you. Talk to your Trusted Choice agent for more details.

There is one more thing to keep in mind regarding your dog.  Injuries caused by your dog will automatically be covered by your home insurance in most situations.  Some insurance companies, however, do have a "restricted" list of dogs that they do not want to cover on the home policy.  These breeds are perceived to have aggressive tendencies. Other insurance companies define what dogs are "restricted" from coverage based on behavior; i.e. biting history.  Be sure to discuss your pet honestly with your insurance company.

Be a responsible dog owner.  Train your dog.  Take necessary precautions with your dog around neighbors and visitors.  Finally, armed with your insurance policy, you can have no fear, underdog is here.

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