Diary of an Insurance Addict

Strange but true....I fell into the insurance business in 1978. I have been in love with the business ever since!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yes, Virginia, There is Always Cheaper Insurance

Tornado Destruction March 2, 2012
While sitting in the rural beauty shop at Pendleton County, I heard residents speak of tornado damage from the recent storms.  "Now we have to deal with our insurance company."  The general consensus about insurance?  "The insurance company is not your friend."  "They are in the business to make money; they don't want to pay you for your claim."

Why is it that during times when our industry should shine we are frowned upon?  Lack of trust?  Bad press?  How can that be?  In any given hour of television, we will see 5 - 10 insurance company commercials.  In our daily mail, we are inundated with offers to save 15%, 20% or even 30% if we switch!  

We, the insurance industry, have created this problem.  Rather than educating the consumer about having the RIGHT type of coverage, we are teaching them that there is always a cheaper policy out there.  And you know what?  That is right - there is always a cheaper policy. 

Home ripped in half by tornado

How much to rebuild?

I guarantee I can save anyone premium dollars.  All I have to do is reduce coverage.  It's that simple - reduced coverage costs less.  Period.

No wonder recent tornado victims are upset.  Do they have coverage for the FULL replacement cost of their home?  Are they able to take up temporary residence somewhere else, for as long as it takes, until their home is rebuilt?  If the city or county ordinance requires certain modifications to their new home, will their insurance company pay for it?  Had the homeowner been advised to maintain an inventory of their personal belongings should such a claim occur?

Agents, do your due diligence by offering and explaining coverage options.  Consumers, do your due diligence by understanding what you are purchasing.  When the next disaster occurs, I would love to see and hear success stories about how insurance was ready and available to help.

How long before you can move back in?

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