Diary of an Insurance Addict

Strange but true....I fell into the insurance business in 1978. I have been in love with the business ever since!

Monday, July 18, 2011

When we were kids....

My how insurance times have changed.  Not to sound like an elder ( I was born in the late 50's), but things are a lot different than when I was a youngster.  Even with regards to insurance...
  • I still remember the Western Southern life insurance man that actually came to our house, every week, to pick up the payment. 
  • I can remember attending Memorial Day and Fourth of July parades; lining the city streets eagerly awaiting the thrown candy. 
  • I remember my dad coming home from his milk delivery route, with an aching back and minor injuries.  Not much complaining on his part, just rest up and get ready for work the next day.
  • I remember our German Shepard, "King", who was housed behind a 6' chained link fence.  The only worry about him escaping was how to get him back.
  • How could I forget when my teenage brother almost chopped his foot off with an ax!  He was helping a neighbor chop firewood.  Mom took him to the ER and got him taken care of using our Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage.
Fast forward to 2011. 
  • Almost all insurance payments are EFT - there is no middle man - money goes straight from our checking account to the insurance company's account. 
  • Many cities now forbid participants from throwing candy to spectators.  God forbid we get hurt from the piece of thrown candy and sue the City! 
  • If an employee is injured on the job, many folks are pleased as punch to collect workers compensation benefits, for as long as they can draw it out.
  • If "King" were to escape, you can bet your bottom dollar that whomever "King" approached would bring legal action against us for any alleged bodily injury or emotional stress.
  • Undoubtedly, our family would have to sue the neighbor for the injuries that my brother endured.  Surely he couldn't be held responsible for his own actions.
When we were kids, insurance was something you purchased and hoped you never had to use.  Nowadays, it seems like we hope to utilize insurance and get rich quick.

Insurance is a resource that allows the world to go round... you couldn't get a mortgage on your new home without it, you couldn't bid on a contracting job without it, you may not be able to pay for a loved one's funeral without it.  In the words of Robert Palmer, "you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah."

So now you know my secret...Might as well face it, I'm addicted to insurance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Diane, and so true!